Individual Piping & Drumming Registration
Entry Rules
Apply to compete at the 2024 Spokane Scottish Highland Games. To be considered for the Spokane Scottish Highland Games competition, please submit an Online Registration using the form below. If you do not wish to complete the online registration form but instead wish to submit a paper entry form, use the Mail-In Registration instructions below.
The Spokane Scottish Highland Games must receive all Piping & Drumming entries by July 23, 2024. Late registrations, July 24 or later, will require a $10 Late Fee and must be pre-approved by John Blunt at (509) 951-4427 or [email protected].
Entries are valid upon acceptance of the completed Entry Form and paid Entry Fee ($7.50 per event) by the Piping & Drumming Coordinator. The completed Entry Form must include a signed and dated Waiver Statement.
All entries accepted by the Piping & Drumming Coordinator and the Spokane Highland Games Association's treasurer will be provided with a gate pass or stamp and a competitor's number for the competitor. All competitors must have a gate pass or stamp and a competitor's number to compete.
Apply to compete at the 2024 Spokane Scottish Highland Games. To be considered for the Spokane Scottish Highland Games competition, please submit an Online Registration using the form below. If you do not wish to complete the online registration form but instead wish to submit a paper entry form, use the Mail-In Registration instructions below.
The Spokane Scottish Highland Games must receive all Piping & Drumming entries by July 23, 2024. Late registrations, July 24 or later, will require a $10 Late Fee and must be pre-approved by John Blunt at (509) 951-4427 or [email protected].
Entries are valid upon acceptance of the completed Entry Form and paid Entry Fee ($7.50 per event) by the Piping & Drumming Coordinator. The completed Entry Form must include a signed and dated Waiver Statement.
All entries accepted by the Piping & Drumming Coordinator and the Spokane Highland Games Association's treasurer will be provided with a gate pass or stamp and a competitor's number for the competitor. All competitors must have a gate pass or stamp and a competitor's number to compete.
Mail-In Registration
To mail in your registration, download a copy of the Entry Form using the link below. Complete the Entry Form and Waiver, and send the Entry Form along with your Entry Fee (indicated on the Entry Form) to the address on the Entry Form.
To mail in your registration, download a copy of the Entry Form using the link below. Complete the Entry Form and Waiver, and send the Entry Form along with your Entry Fee (indicated on the Entry Form) to the address on the Entry Form.
Remember! If you registered online using the form above, you must also make your Piping & Drumming Entry Fee payment before your Piping & Drumming Registration will be accepted.